Marketing Strategy
3 mins read

Why You Should Ditch Annual Marketing Plans Right Now

Eveline Smet

Founder & Growth Strategist
Marketing Plans

Let’s be honest: annual marketing plans are like trying to steer a ship by looking at last year’s weather forecast. Our agency knows, we’ve made plenty of them in the past. The truth is that nowadays, the world moves too fast for that kind of rigidity. We see new channels popping up,big AI breakthroughs, new ways of measuring, new ad formats,.. Never a dull day in growth marketing!

If you’re still mapping out the whole year in one go, it’s time for a reality check. We believe that marketing needs to be more like a Formula 1 pit stop. Quick, agile, and constantly tweaking to stay ahead.

If you want to move to a more data-driven and agile way of doing marketing, this article is for you.

#1 Transform your Growth Strategy with Cross-Department Collaboration

Here’s the problem with most companies: marketing, sales, customer service—they’re all doing their own thing in their own bubble, and with different KPI’s. And no one is talking to each other. Today’s CMO’s get their teams meeting with each other regularly about the data. Think weekly syncs, not once-a-year summits. Let sales tell marketing what’s really moving the needle. Let customer service be at the forefront and not just an afterthought, they can tell you what’s pissing customers off, and how to keep them.
It’s not rocket science—just basic communication.

#2 Adapt Your Marketing Plans: Embrace Flexibility and Rapid Experimentation

Marketing plans are great… until reality hits. The market shifts, a new competitor pops up, your best channel all of a sudden isn’t working anymore. The old way of locking in a budget and sticking to it no matter what? That’s a recipe for irrelevance. 

Start testing small, experimental campaigns and be ready to pivot. It’s not about a Plan B; it’s about building a strategy that’s flexible from the get-go. If a channel’s not working, move the budget—don’t just sit there watching it burn. Stay close to the data and let it guide you. Remember, the goal is to be relevant, not rigid. We are seeing corporates embrace this way of working more and more, and the best ones are ready to move like a startup. Start small, scale fast! 

“2025 isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about being fast enough to find them along the way.”
Eveline Smet, CEO of The Growth Agency

#3 Accelerate Performance with Agile Growth Sprints and Real-Time Optimization

Forget the year-long marketing plans. Break it down into growth sprints. Small, focused campaigns that you can adjust and optimize in real time. This way of working gets you both insights and results. You get to test, learn, and pivot without overcommitting to something that sounded great in January but is irrelevant by June. Each sprint is a chance to get closer to what actually works, instead of wasting months on something that doesn’t.

For this, you need a team that’s lean and mean and be hyperfocused on the data. Our team helps corporates and scale-ups do just that. Without the fluff.

#4 How to Create Impact with Data-Driven Decisions

Forget about gut feelings. Don’t rely on them for steering a multimillion-dollar marketing budget. You’ve got data—use it. The winners are those who can pivot based on real-time insights, not last year’s best guesses. But don’t just collect data for the sake of it—turn it into action.

Our team has one pet-peeve: vanity metrics. We don’t care how many followers you have on social media or how many OTS a campaign had. What did drive results, and how can we replicate this?

Test, learn, and tweak. Double down on what works, scrap what doesn’t. Your marketing plans should be a living and ever evolving playbook, not a dusty PPT that gets revisited once a year.

Final thought: Growth marketing is about progress, not perfection

CMOs, it’s time to get real. The market doesn’t care about your perfectly crafted annual marketing plans. It cares about what’s working right now. So, ditch the yearly playbook and get into the habit of constantly refining, testing, and optimizing. This year in growth marketing, we’re thinking holistically, and we’re being hyper-fast with experimentation. Are you with us?


Questions? Comments? Ideas! We’d love to hear from you! do not hesitate to drop us a note 😊

Eveline Smet

Founder & Growth Strategist

Eveline is our founder and the one who eats strategy for breakfast. She is in charge of budgets, KPI’s and growth plans. During her high school years, Eveline was wearing baggy pants and listening to 2PAC & Biggy. We have proof. Just ask. If you ever catch her looking off into the distance, it’s either because she wants to order sushi or she’s hungry thinking of ways to increase your profit. She’s also the biggest victim of marketing. But the biggest office sweetheart.

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